Homeopathy has the test of time assurance for safety and efficacy beyond all other forms of health care. Homeopathy is so safe and effective I say to my pregnant patients we are actually treating two for the price of one! With homeopathy the problems or weaknesses you correct with the mother you can be correcting with the unborn infant as well. In fact homeopathy works so gently and yet so deeply inherited weaknesses can be corrected. Homeopathic treatment can help assure a more positive pregnancy experience.
Homeopathy provides a fresh, safe, all natural, noninvasive and more curative approach for hemorrhoids. The noninvasive more curative approach of homeopathy should always be applied first before more invasive and potentially destructive methods are deployed.
You can apply the products that best match the individual’s needs. If you want to go beyond the cookbook approach, the Bio Response Test (BRT), can be used by the customer to confirm whether they need this product and when it has fully done its job. You may also use this quick and easy procedure to determine additional homeopathic formulas personally needed. The packet procedural manual called Making Homeopathy Easy by Dr. King explains these procedures.
By Dr. Frank J. King, Jr.