Much debate still rages whether homeopathy can cure any disease or if it is effective as a natural allergy treatment. Homeopathy attempts to treat illnesses by using very small dilutions usually in either in a alcohol or water base. The theory is to give the body a very small does of something that will mimic the illness and get the body to heal itself. Most practitioners will say they attempt to treat the patient not the disease.
Homeopathy has become a popular form of allergy treatment and many remedies can be found in drug stores and most major cities have many naturopaths that practice homeopathy. When taking homeopathy pellets its advised that you avoid touching them with other substances as its said that they can become ant-doted and lose their effectiveness to mimic the disease properly. If you are using drops they are placed under the tongue for a certain time than swallowed as this is the quickest way for them to enter the blood stream.
Homeopathic remedies should be taken at least one hour before or after a meal and drinks that contain stimulants should not be taken close to the same time. When storing homeopathic allergy treatment your advised to store them in a cool dark place and never in direct sunlight. They should also be stored far away from any electro-magnetic fields.
There is very little clinical support that homeopathic medicine works but it still remains popular with some and has a long tradition of use in the UK. There are very few side effects reported with homeopathic medicines because they are diluted at such high levels. When side effects do occur its usually because the remedy was not diluted enough.
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